CREATING YOUR CASE STATEMENT: Separating You From The Other Noise Out There!

  • 05 Aug 2014
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Marriott - 1200 Hampton Street, Columbia SC



Presenter: Jerry W. Henry, Alexander Haas

Establishing a clear case for support is critical as we all know.  But in the “noisy” environment of increased competition for the philanthropic dollar among non-profits, how do we stand apart from everyone else?

We will explore the basics of developing your case statement while reviewing applicable examples of annual, capital and deferred giving cases. We will look at specific examples, investigate approaches to getting words and design just right, and determine how much creativity is too much. As a bonus, we’ll also venture into the use of social media and smartphone- applications for delivering the message.

Bring your thoughts on what has or hasn’t worked for your organization.  And, if you’re willing, bring an example or two of your favorite case statement pieces!

COST: AFP & SCANPO Members $18; Guests $25

About Our Presenter: Jerry W. Henry is a Partner with Alexander Haas, in Atlanta, GA, one of the leading fundraising firms in the country. He provides counsel on a daily-basis to a wide range of organizations including educational institutions, human service groups, cultural institutions and faith-based organizations.  Working with a variety of nonprofit organizations, Alexander Haas has provided counsel to successful campaigns ranging in goals from $1 million to over $1.3 billion.  In addition to the national and regional clients,  Jerry and his partners at Alexander Haas have worked with nonprofits across South Carolina representing every segment of the nonprofit sector.

Jerry’s specific expertise has reached well over 150 clients nationwide since he joined Alexander Haas in 1998.  Professionally, he has held executive development positions in higher education, cultural and faith-based organizations during his 34-year career with non-profits. As a former United Methodist clergyman in the South Carolina Conference, he was national director of the Fellowship of United Methodists in Worship, Music and Other Arts for nearly a decade. He is a past president of the Greater Atlanta Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), and a past member of the Committee on Directorship for AFP International where he served as the representative of the district covering SC, GA, FL, AL and MS to AFP for two years.  In addition to being a frequent trainer and speaker at numerous regional and local AFP workshops and events, Jerry has led training recently  for national organizations such as Ronald McDonald House Charities, Inc. and the Meals on Wheels Association of America. For his Firm, he publishes the bi-monthly e-newsletter Helping Hand, directed toward human services organizations and contributes to the firm’s weekly blog.

A native of the Lowcountry of South Carolina, he holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Wofford College and a Master of Divinity degree from Yale University. He is the past president of the Yale Divinity School Alumni Board of Directors, serves on the Dean’s Leadership Council and was just elected to the Board of Governors for the Association of Yale Alumni.