Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Panel Discussion

  • 13 Feb 2020
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Senate's End 300 Senate Street, Columbia, SC 29201


Registration is closed

As fundraisers, we know that we're not always the best individual to make "the ask". But as we know, volunteers are not always comfortable, trained, or knowledgeable enough about your organization or programs to articulate the case for support. 

This month, we welcome three fundraising professionals to share their organization's approach to peer-to-peer fundraising. Panelists will tackle questions regarding the ethics around others fundraising on your behalf, maintaining your brand identity when you're not the one delivering the message, empowering and mobilizing  volunteer fundraisers, and give tips on building your own peer-to-peer fundraising campaign.

Bring your own questions for this interactive panel discussion and join us for this lively program.